Legend of Raven.
According to Native American legend, Raven was originally white and had a beautiful voice. Unfortunately, the Gods were unhappy with the greed and corruption on earth and decided to take away the fire. Without heat, the earth was turning into a frigid hell.
Raven volunteered to fly to the sun and bring back the fire. Up he flew with a branch in his bill. As he neared the sun his feathers were all singed and his larynx was half-cooked, but the branch ignited.
Raven returned to earth a hero, but became shy and reclusive because of his blackened feathers and the loss of his beautiful voice.
From that day on, all Ravens were black, but occasionally a white offspring is born to remind everyone of the great sacrifice made by Raven.
Photo: White raven spotted at Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, British Columbia by Mike Yip / vancouverislandbirds.com